Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does virtual assistance work?

    Virtual assistance involves having a skilled professional handle tasks remotely on your behalf. Our virtual assistants are equipped to manage a wide range of tasks, from email management and scheduling to event planning and more. We work closely with you to understand your needs and preferences, ensuring a seamless and efficient process.

  • Can I change my plan if my needs change?

    Of course! We understand that life can be dynamic, and your needs may evolve over time. If you find that your chosen plan no longer suits your requirements, we're happy to work with you to adjust your plan to better align with your current situation.

  • Is there a contract that I have to sign?

    Yes, we do have a service agreement in place to ensure clarity and transparency for both parties. When you choose our services, you'll be asked to review and sign our Service Agreement. This agreement outlines the terms, responsibilities, and expectations of both parties, ensuring a smooth and mutually beneficial partnership. You can terminate this Agreement with a written notice of 30 days.

  • How do I track my hours per month?

    We utilize a reliable and user-friendly time tracking software that allows both you and your virtual assistant to keep tabs on the hours spent on various tasks. You'll be sent a report at the end of each week to show how many hours were used and what tasks were completed.

  • What happens if I don't use all of my hours in a month?

    Unused hours will not roll over to the following month. We value your time and understand that life can be unpredictable; that's why we help choose a plan that best suit your needs. We send a report at the end of each week to help you keep track of the hours used. Feel free to check in with your virtual assistant at any time for updates or reach out if you need to adjust your plan.

  • What happens if I use all of my hours before the end of the month?

    We understand that some months may be busier than others, and you might find yourself using all of your allocated hours before the end of the month. If you use up all of your hours before the monthly cycle resets, you have the option to either:

    1. Upgrade your plan: If you find that your tasks are consistently exceeding your current package's hours, you can upgrade to a higher package that better meets your needs.
    2. Add additional hours: Alternatively, you can choose to add extra hours to your existing plan for that month only.

    The additional time will be added to your next month's billing cycle.

  • What are the payment options?

    Payments can be made by ACH and credit card. Payment is pre-paid and due before services begin.

  • Do you offer errand services to clients located in SoCal?

    Absolutely! We're thrilled to offer our comprehensive virtual assistant services, including errand assistance, to clients located in Los Angeles. If you have specific errands in mind or would like more information on how we can assist you, feel free to reach out.